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Laser Dentistry

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Laser Dentistry

About Laser Dentistry

Lasers can kill bacteria in a cavity, which can aid in the long-term health of a tooth. Treating tooth sensitivity. Teeth that have sensitivity to hot and cold can be treated with dental lasers that seal tubules on the tooth's root.

Gum depigmentation, also known as gum bleaching, is a procedure used in cosmetic dentistry to lighten or remove black spots or patches on the gums consisting of melanin. Melanin in skin is very common in inhabitants in many parts of the world due to genetic factors. Melanin pigmentation in skin, oral mucosa, inner ear and other organs is a detoxification mechanism. Some toxic agents bind to melanin and will move out of the tissue with the ageing cells and are expelled to the tissue surfaces. Also in the gums and oral mucosa a visible pigmentation is most often caused by genetic factors, but also by tobacco smoking [citation needed] or in a few cases by long-term use of certain medications. If smoking stop or change of medication does not solve the problem with disfigurating melanin pigmentation, a surgical operation may be performed. The procedure itself can involve a laser ablation techniques.

Melanocytes are cells which reside in the basal layer of the gingival epithelium. These cells produce melanin, which are pigments that cause light or dark brown spots in gums and oral mucosa. The most common cause is genetic factors or tobacco smoking, Smoker's melanosis. If the melanin pigmentation is found in a person smoking cigarettes, the most effective way to get rid of the pigmentation is to stop smoking.

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